
Peace Paulownia

TransliterationKage go go kiri ni yasu no ji
TranslationShadowed, in a 5-5 paulownia, the character ‘peace’
OwnerAnbe (安部)
CategoriesCharacter: Auspicious, Plant: Paulownia
NotesThe character here, 安, meaning "peace", is the first character in the Anbe family name.

Annotations indicate that in the I version of Kenmon Shokamon, the "peace" character is in black.

See also Mon of the Samurai on Fireflies Sing.

SourcesKenmon Shokamon (見聞諸家紋; “Various Observed Family Crests”). 1467–1470. http://dl.ndl.go.jp/info:ndljp/pid/2533035. pg. 40.
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